Why Every Mummy Blogger Needs a Blogging Editorial Calendar


Every Mummy Blogger knows the importance of regular blogging to keep your audience engaged. Google loves regular posts and having a large number of posts allows you to make use of a greater range of keywords (see our recent blog post on How To Generate Blog Ideas That Are Great For SEO?).


The hardest thing about regular blogging is not the actual writing, but thinking up new ideas to blog about that fulfil the needs of your target audience. The best way to ensure that you are covering a range of topics and including your important keyword phrases is to plan in advance what you are going to write about over the next few months. Obviously you may have certain topical posts that you would like to add into the mix, but having a written plan allows you to see the big picture and check what the main themes are, as well as identify where any gaps might be. It also allows you to set deadlines that encourage you to blog regularly.


For your editorial calendar you can use a big wall chart or a spreadsheet. Hubspot offer a great blogging calendar template that you can use to plan your posts: http://offers.hubspot.com/blog-editorial-calendar.


Start to plan your blogging over the week, first by allocating types of blogs to cover on each day, for example you might want to include a how to article, a top 10 list, a topical item, a book review or an interview. Then add your topics next; be quite specific so that you remember what it is you wanted to cover, particularly when planning quite far in advance. It can be helpful to write a few notes to get you started on the day. In some instances you might already have the title of your blog in mind, for others you might want to do a little research first.


Planning out your content also makes sure that you are consciously targeting the keywords that you are trying to rank for. Regular blogging is a very effective way of boosting your search engine ranking. So it can be a really helpful exercise to add the target keyword to your editorial calendar to make sure that you are writing your blogs on the topics that you want to get found for.


A blogging editorial calendar keeps you organised and motivated. It can avoid that writer’s block that comes from arriving at your desk with no idea what you are going to write about that day. Your calendar keeps you on topic and helps you to fulfil your goals more efficiently.


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