New baby on the way? Get more room without a bigger house


  If you are expecting a new baby, then congratulations on your new arrival! Planning for your baby is an exciting and daunting prospect, with big changes needed to both your lifestyle and to your home. If you are looking around your house and wondering where on earth your new baby and their belongings are going to go, then read on for some great tips on how to get more room without needing a bigger house: Have a good clear out If your home is already full of possessions even before baby arrives, then start by having a good clear out. The last thing you need once you bring your little one home for the first time is to be stressed about the sheer volume of clutter everywhere. Check your loft or garage and be ruthless in clearing out anything that you don’t need or are unlikely to use again. You can raise some useful cash for your baby by selling your unwanted goods on ebay or at car boot sales, and the extra space will be invaluable once your new arrival comes along! Build a garden room If you have a decent sized garden then an excellent way to get more room without buying a bigger property is to invest in a garden room or studio. It’s often cheaper to build a garden room than to move house, and the additional space will definitely add value to your home. So if you’ve had to give up your study, gym or spare bedroom to make way for your baby, then a garden room could be just what you need. The space is completely flexible, so you could use it as a study or gym during the week and add a spare bed or futon at weekends for when family and friends want to visit. This versatile space would make a huge difference once your baby arrives. Borrow, don’t buy! It’s so easy to let baby clothes, toys, furniture and accessories build up once your little one arrives, and before you know it your loft, garage and every available space will be full. One good way to manage this is to borrow as much as possible from friends and family, and return as soon as it’s no longer needed. That way, extra space in your cupboards, loft or garage will be freed up to keep control of your home. By using these useful tips on how to get more room without needing a bigger house, you can create a comfortable and relaxed home environment for you and your new arrival to enjoy. Congratulations, and enjoy every moment of this magical journey! This is a guest blog by Green Studios who create beautiful rooms in your garden to give you extra space without moving house.