Nursery Interior Design Services

Having just had my second child I am constantly looking at new and exciting nursery interior design ideas.  Often a new babies room is the smallest in the house and it can take a lot of creativilty to come up with lovely nursery interiors for a small space, especially when much of the room needs to be taken up by a cot, changer, dresser and nursing chair.  Employing the help of a designer who is able to offer nursery interior design services, you can create the perfect nursery whatever the size of your room. Whether you have a boy or girl I personally prefer luxury white nursery furniture and it certainly seems to be a best seller with Custard & Crumble customers.  Not only does it work best in a small space but it also creates a blank canvas for the room.  Colour can be added through a variety of other nursery interiors such as nursery bedding and nursery decor ideas.  For something completely different and a real statement why not choose a round cot like the Orpheus round cot from top designers Bambizi.  Sarah at Bambizi offers her nursery interior design services to customers at Harrods and has worked with both Royalty and celebrities in creating their perfect nursery. Statement coloured wallpaper either on one wall or all four is a key trend for 2013.  Big, bright designs look great especially when set against luxury white nursery furniture.  One way to make this even more interesting and fun is to paint or wallpaper the ceiling. Origami is another key trend for 2013.  For those budding artists this is something you can have fun with at home, or use nursery interior design services to do this for you!   For space saving ideas and as a lovely decorative feature why not hang up your little ones clothes for all to see.  Here are Lilly’s dresses hanging up.  They instantly add colour to the room and make use of a bare wall.     Gone are the days of having a completely neutral room.  Colour is key and what’s more babies love colour – the brighter and bolder the better and another great and easy way to add this is with nursery wall stickers.   Pictures and artwork give a room personality and individuality.  There is a variety of lovely nursery art to choose from, both personalised and standard.  However, I think it is really nice to include photos of the baby’s family in the nursery.  Babies love nothing more than to look at your face.  Give them a photo of a sibling or Grandparents to look at whilst they are on their changing mat.  They will soon start to see them as familiar faces.  When I had my first born, Jack, we took pictures of zoo animals and framed them in bright colours.  It was a great way to help him learn the different animals and gave us something to talk about whilst changing him! Other nursery interiors which you might consider include height charts, clocks and door plaques.  Novelty shelving and toy boxes are great ways of ensuring your nursery stays clutter free.

Custard and Crumble’s Nursery Interior Design Services

Custard & Crumble are able to offer nursery interior design services through Bambizi.  If you would like Sarah Matthews, a top nursery designer to celebrities and royalty to come into your home and design your dream nursery please let us know!